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National Park Road Trip Part 2: What’s In Our Emergency Kit!

The great part about making mistakes is that there’s always something useful to be learned from them! One of our favorite parts of sharing our travel stories and shenanigans with you is that not only do we get to learn from our missteps but so do you, and hopefully we can save you the same heartache and headaches that we had to go through in the process!

If you caught our last post and video then you know that our National Park road trip did not get off to a great start. If you didn’t catch it you might want to start here: The Worst Road Trip Ever Part 1

If you’re curious about how that amusing and yet exhausting saga ended you can catch part two of the chaos here:

Looking back on those two days, there’s a lot of things we did right, and an awful lot we didn’t. While technically speaking we had everything on hand that we needed to fix the problems we ran into, we didn’t exactly know where all those things were- meaning all those things that we had were basically useless to us.

The second thing we did after arriving at Yosemite National Park, (after cracking a beer of course) was to sit down revisit and reorganize our emergency roadside kit. A well-stocked and easily access emergency kit, cannot only save you time but could also potentially save your life and or someone elses’. You can’t plan on an emergency but you can be prepared for one.

After laying out our own gear, consulting with some experts and other full-time travelers we’ve restocked and updated our own roadside emergency kit, and have put together its full list of contents for you below. If there’s something you think we missed, drop us a line in the comments! We’re always open to new suggestions!


Pro Tip: Practice with these once or twice BEFORE you need to actually use them, and always check the expiration dates to avoid accidents! 

Here’s to hoping we all get to carry around these kits unused for many, many years to come! We really hope that you found this post useful and informative! If you did we’d really appreciate you leaving us a comment, and or liking this post! We’re glad you’re a part of this community and we hope you stick around!

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Disclaimer – These are all items we own and use, and love. Absolutely no one has paid us to create this post or to be included in it. All photos are directly from product listings on where the items can be purchased, are from the manufacturer’s websites or are of our own creation. All items can be purchased through the blue highlighted links and some are associated with our Amazon affiliate listings or other affiliate sites. Thanks for browsing, and reading.  As always, thanks for your time and presence. 
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